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Posted: 20 Feb 2018, 15:04
by chlluk
Well I have routed a PCB that now needs drilling. I managed to get some ferrite iron cores(M6) for the coil and work will start in earnest this weekend. looking forward to this.
I have decided to use the Digitiro case and stick unit, metal work looks interesting.(love the 3 axis stick)
The Dub industries 7x5x3 case is perfect for this job. I have managed to get all of the original transistors so we shall see how it goes.
Will have to come up with an idea for the xtal base as these old units had large xtals fitted. I have modified the pcb to use current sizes. I may find and old Rx with a base in I can rob out.
I will post pics as things progress.
I may even have a Telaradio ariel somewhere in the shop.