World Engines 'Talisman' NRF24 FHSS conversion

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World Engines 'Talisman' NRF24 FHSS conversion

Post by Phil_G »

The Talisman is quite a small transmitter from the late 1970s, using Dunham stick units and originally on 35mhz FM. Its a basic 4-channel set but this revamp gives it all the usual mixers, S/C emulation, timers, locks etc. It doesnt use a conventional R/C module but instead has a cheap NRF24L01 and a DIY-More "Strong" Atmega328P board, and for the receiver a Promini and another NRF24L01 board, this time as an experiment the "+PA +LNA" type, running from a single 18650 Li-ion cell.
Presently the transmitter is running from a PP3, I need to get some more Lidl 18650s, I've run out again :D
The tx & rx use my simple FHSS code, the story is here:

Just a quick note to say that the 'Talisman' has flown many, many hours slope-soaring at Nont Sarahs, no problems, long back-to-back flights. I forgot to say I set the RF power level on this set to the third of the four levels - no range problems at all (Mike raised the point that at full power it might be over the legal limit).

I really love this set, its so nice and dinky, much smaller and thinner than the Kraft and the Dunham sticks feel great, in fact this is one of my favourite propo transmitters now - and since the video I've added the single-channel emulation button and wired the meter to give the usual expanded-scale using a 6.2v zener and in this case a 15kΩ resistor, they're all different).

Its so cute!


Further edit: More flying with the Talisman, no probs, and I've wired the S/C emulation button now, been flying the MPX Cub on the button :) Much prefer slope-soaring though... :)

Even further edit: Just to say the NRF-equipped Talisman and many other NRF'ed sets have accumulated hundreds of trouble-free hours now, mostly slope-soaring with Shaun but a few Ponty jaunts in the Cub too. Some time back I replaced the 'open' RF boards with the screened ones as these are approved, they're smaller, nicer, better made, more robust, completely power-tolerant and impervious to proximity and grounding effects. Anyone starting a fresh build I'd definitely recommend the screened version :D Its a straight swap, exactly the same connections, & no software changes.

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