Powermax Merlin PCM

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stuart mackay
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Powermax Merlin PCM

Post by stuart mackay »

Calling Pete Christy!
Mike, Shaun and I were having a chat about Mr Lever's finest (only?) legacy to the RC community, the Powermax Merlin PCM system and Mike said that Pete might be able to shed some light on it's design and manufacture?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Powermax Merlin PCM

Post by Pchristy »

Not sure how much I can tell you about it. My only involvement was converting a set into a 459MHz prototype - which worked well until Roy took it apart and rebuilt it!

I believe it was based on a German system - probably Multiplex, as he was the Multiplex importer at the time, and I seem to recall the receiver using the old Multiplex connectors, rather than Futaba/JR style. Roy claimed to have his own factory up in Aviemore, but whether this was a proper factory, or an assembly shop - fitting someone else's electronics in his own boxes - I don't know. Come to think of it, I seem to recall that a lot of Sinclair computers were assembled in Aviemore (can Phil_G confirm?), so its possible (likely?) it was a sub-contractor factory rather than being Roy's own (despite his claims!).

I think it was an 8-bit system. It certainly suffered from a degree of latency, like all the first generation PCM systems did. That aside, it certainly worked well enough. The receiver was quite large, IIRC, which would also point to Multiplex heritage!

Not sure what else I can add, but if I think of anything, or if anyone has any specific questions, I'll be happy to help.

I *might* have some circuit diagrams somewhere. I do seem to remember Roy giving me some when I was working on the 459 MHz set. If anyone needs them, I'll see what I can find in the haunted wing of my archives....!

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Re: Powermax Merlin PCM

Post by Mike_K »

I think the Sinclair ZX81 and Spectrum were assembled in Dundee by Timex (of digital watch fame), I don't know about factory built ZX80, my ZX80 was built from a kit and was assembled on my model building board in a shed in Norfolk!

Somebody told me the mechanics, case and joysticks were imported from South Korea, with the electronics supplied locally in the UK? I thought it was Pete who told me, but I'm certain if it was him he would have mentioned it above.

Next time I'm in Ali's Models, I'll have to ask Ali, he will probably know, even if he'd rather forget.
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