One of the New Bunch

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One of the New Bunch

Post by XK50 »


Recently “activated”, I’m not exactly a newbie, more “new old stock”, round here. I can remember two-valve transmitters, 90V HT batteries, 8’ 6” aerials and George Honest-Redlich.

My successful r/c flying only commenced circa ‘74, with a Macgregor propo set, in a Graupner Dandy, up on Ivinghoe Beacon. I remain a Graupner glider geek to this day.

Part of my r/c apprenticeship included, in early 1968, building a Remcon 12 Versatile kit. It worked! I got the reeds humming nicely and was about to turn my attention to adding transistor amplifiers to a brace of Bonner Duramites, when the transmitter got nicked from my car. The project never got finished ....... until now!

Encouraged by Phil-G and the M48 Construction Booklet (now including the missing page 8), over on the Single Channel website, I’m building another transmitter from scratch. I’ve found all the transistors, and been converted to cheap laser pcb production, over etch-resist pen.

However, if I may, I will need a 27Meg loaded aerial and a pair of matched crystals (465 separation, with leads, not pins). If anyone has same for sale - or any redundant Remcon 12 bits, following conversion to 2.4Gig, I would appreciate a PM.

With thanks and best wishes,

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Re: One of the New Bunch

Post by Wayne_H »

G'day John,

Welcome!! I share your enthusiasm for the Graupner gliders - I have an almost 40yo Amigo II electric conversion guided by a reeds reproduction Tx using Phil's Arduino encoder. I recommend the Arduino encoders - very reliable, intended to use modern Rx & servo's but with all the 'feel' of the original reed radios. Great fun :)

Looking forward to following your Remcon scratch build.

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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Re: One of the New Bunch

Post by XK50 »

Hi Wayne,

Amigos! Great relaxed flying, on a wisp! I had a flying buddy with several, in the ‘70s, and have, of late, looked at ads for the latest one and examined a plan for a MkII on Outerzone. The Amigo is definitely on “the list”.

Apart from building another Dandy, a few years ago, I found a Cirrus that needed refurbishing and, shortly after, an unbuilt kit came along. 45 years ago, very this elegant, classic glider cost a fortune and, on ebay, they are once more. Fortunately, I got my two, before the second wavel

Ebay was also the source for a mint, unstarted Nimbus kit, to add to the stable. I actually hesitate to build it, as I would be scared of landing it, with its huge wingspan. Maybe one day, with a stabilised receiver?

Thanks for your welcome.

Enjoy your flying!

I see you have a great aviation museum in Tremora!

Best wishes,

West Midlands, UK
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Re: One of the New Bunch

Post by Phil_G »

Welcome aboard John :D Someone else here built a trad Remcon Versatile, was it Clive?
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