Tiny6 Reeds TV Advert

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Tiny6 Reeds TV Advert

Post by RON »

I built this 8 years ago and thought I would have to post it for you to look at.
Here's what a Tiny6 Reeds transmitter TV advert may have looked like in the days

G0MBV Class A Radio Amateur, North Yorkshire
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Re: Tiny6 Reeds TV Advert

Post by Phil_G »

Some memorable videos on your channel there Ron https://vimeo.com/user48167333

For anyone new to Vimeo, when the sales screen appears, use the tiny "no thanks" option at the top of the screen:


I regularly fly my Impala with the RCS Inter-6 which is a Tiny-6 (PIC) encoder, never saw the need to change it out for a Reeduino...
Shame they almost quadrupled the price of the PCB but thats why the Tiny-6 faded away.
You could still make one on stripboard, but why would you when the Reeduino is so much better!
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Re: Tiny6 Reeds TV Advert

Post by Shaun »

I remember that little beauty. Trouble is it forced me to up my game on my conversions. 😆😆

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