Simon Mayo on Team Racing

Keep within the lines
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Simon Mayo on Team Racing

Post by Phil_G »

Was having a clear out and found this from 5 years ago:
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Re: Simon Mayo on Team Racing

Post by F2B »

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you...... :mrgreen:

In the interview Chris Barker explains it all clearly for those who have seen it before.
The others better watch him while at the handle.
Aim is to keep your hand as close to the centermark as possible, as behind it will leave you with a warning or if done more times, DQ. You're artificially shortening the line length, bringing down your lap times, which is cheating.
Walking around the center in circles will lengthen your effective lines, bringing up your lap times, which is not clever either.
So with three pilots and everyone wanting to stay in the middle this results in what you're seeing. It is hard, piloting a model at that insane speed, keeping the middle AND - when getting the signal from the pit man- shut down the engine and land it there where the pit man can snatch it.
I love those one flick starts by Neil Tricker (red team), with Chris Barker piloting...

F2B or not to be....
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