Help with USBASP

Arduino projects on the go
Posts: 12
Joined: 13 Nov 2020, 20:47

Re: Help with USBASP

Post by RogerMacey »

Hi again. For some reason the board pictures weren't included in my previous plea for help ! Hopefully they will work this time ! Thanks, Roger.

Posts: 12
Joined: 13 Nov 2020, 20:47

Re: Help with USBASP

Post by RogerMacey »

Hi All.
After a lot more checking, I finally discovered that the 10 pin IDC plug on the far end of the 10 way ribbon cable was on back to front !
When the signals had then gone through the 10 pin to 6 pin ICSP converter boards:
. MISO and GND were reversed
. SCK and MOSI were reversed
. RST and VCC were reversed.
To rectify this, I cut the moulded locator from the 10 way IDC plug on the far end of the 10 way ribbon cable, and pushed it into the 10 way socket on the ICSP converter board, the other way round.
Fortunately neither of the Pro Mini Strong boards seem to have been damaged by this, and I have now successfully loaded sketches to them and run them.
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Re: Help with USBASP

Post by Martin »

Hi Roger,

Well done on fixing the problem. :D
12MHz crystal on the USBasp is normal.

The two unpopulated jumpers:
  • one of them (usually the one nearest the ribbon connector) is sometimes useful: when fitted, it makes the USBasp work much more slowly than normal - this is sometimes useful when the target Arduino has been set in to some low power slow mode, and the standard rate is then too fast for it. If you find your USBasp communicates okay with most Arduinos, but one doesn't work, try fitting that jumper while 'burning bootloader' - this sets the Arduino back to running at normal speed, and it can then often be programmed normally, the jumper then no longer being required.
  • the other jumper is fitted if you want to update the firmware on the USBasp itself. This isn't normally necessary. If you ever need to do it, fit the jumper and don't connect to an Arduino while performing the firmware update. You can find the USBasp firmware here.
I still can't see your attached photos. I suspect the google images thing only works with the appropriate google log-in. So you can probably see them, but everyone else just sees a sort of greyed out stop sign. Easy way is to resize the photo to something reasonable using one of the free on-line resizing tools, such as this one. I'd resize to maybe 1024 wide or 768 high, whichever is larger, and then use the attachments tab when posting to upload the resized smaller photo to the Mode Zero server.
Posts: 12
Joined: 13 Nov 2020, 20:47

Re: Help with USBASP

Post by RogerMacey »

Hi Martin.
Many thanks for your reply, and all the information about the USBasp jumpers and firmware, also the link to the photo resizing software.
I've now started to dismantle an old Futaba M Series 6 channel transmitter, which will get a thorough refurb before being fitted with an encoder containing Phil Green's 7 channel sketch (Thank You Phil), and a FrSky XHT RF Module. I will post some details, and hopefully some photos that can be seen, as the project progresses.
Thanks again, and take care.
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