The Kaman HTK-1 also appeared on the cover of the May 1955 issue of “Model Aviation” (The old UK one, not the US one) And there’s some info on this at ... elicopter/
There’s still a couple of HTK-1s on display, One at the New England Air Museum, a few miles from Kaman’s Premises, and another at the Tillamook Air Museum in Oregon.
I spent 4 and ½ years at Kaman as a design, integration and flight-test engineer on the somewhat ill-fated Kaman SH2G helos for the Australian and New Zealand Navies.
A rather good analysis of the very ambitious, but flawed, project is at ... ent-wrong/
It’s the short “Executive Summary “at only 26 pages, but is pretty accurate.
The Australian Auditor-General also produced a comprehensive report of 352 pages on the whole matter, with the Kaman response starting at page 298. It’s a master-class in what not to do. See ... 009_41.pdf
It’s an interesting read if you’re so inclined.
But the HTK-1 was not the first, that honour goes to Arthur Young, who first flew a remote-controlled (albeit by wire) helo in the early 1940s