Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

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Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

Post by leccyflyer »

I'm about to start the conversion to 2.4ghz of a couple of Macgregor Digimac III and IV transmitters, so getting together what I need. I have a very basic question.

Originally I wasn't going to bother with rates or exponential, but now I think I'd like to have them internal to the transmitter, rather than on a switch. Never having done anything remotely like this before I was wondering if someone could point me to a suitable potentiometer to do the job. I've found the info on recommended nice tactile switch for the single channel button, so am putting together a wee order for RS to supply. If some kind soul could let me have an RS part number that would be really appreciated.
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Re: Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

Post by Tobe »

What encoder are you going to use for the conversion?
My encoder board has two pots on the board for that purpose and would manage all Phil's sketches as a few others
True I use most nRF24L01 but a ppm can eased be accessed and thus run a regular RF module lie the Lemon
I have not only suitable pots that could be mounted on a piece if strip-board but also encoders that I could program for in accordance with what you are looking for

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Re: Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

Post by leccyflyer »

Hi Tobe

I'm using Phil's 7 channel encoders for these conversions and the Lemon RF modules that I had from Stuart. My plan is to have the s/c button mounted on the front right of the transmitters and no additional switches outside of the case. They will likely each be dedicated to a single model, but I thought that the option to be able to set rates and expo would be useful, if they needed to be bound to additional models.
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Re: Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

Post by Tobe »

Just to give you an idea in how to solve internal "pots", here they are connected as per Phil's instructions

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Re: Internal potentiometers for rates and expo

Post by leccyflyer »

Thanks Tobe - that's really useful. I'm sorted now with a source for some suitable pots, so as soon as those arrive I'll be able to get started. It'll be just about my first electronics project beyond a simple light and buzzer circuit many years ago. I'm bound to have extra questions, but will put them in the thread showing my progress.

Onwards and upwards. :)
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