Forgot that I had so many F/F models stashed away

Free flight and rubber powered models
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Forgot that I had so many F/F models stashed away

Post by Wayne_H »

Similar to the rediscovered C/L stash - viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1182&p=9955#p9955 - in storage, there was also an assorted gaggle of FF models once again unearthed. Now, I don't claim for a second to be a serious FF builder or flyer - these days I'm more a chuck it and "casually chase(?)" it i.e. I'm now more a stroll kind of guy 8-) . However, I do like to "dabble" & on a balmy evening, very little compares to watching a rubber model that I've built & trimmed, serenely do it's thing :D I don't think I've laughed as much as when attempting to compete in a F/F night scramble event at the Aussie Nat's.

Anyway, here's some of the models I found:
  • Hal Krier Great Lakes rubber powered scale, started while working in far north Queensland 46 years ago - can't rush creativity :lol: Actually, I'm seriously looking at GG for this one. While I have several of Tobe's superb GG actuators, I have a suitable original ACE actuator, part of a complete working ACE set-up, that from a nostalgic perspective is the likely candidate :P
Sterling kit for Hal Krier's Great Lakes. I plan to cover it with lightweight laminating film then red & white tissue in the scale colour scheme
Sterling kit for Hal Krier's Great Lakes. I plan to cover it with lightweight laminating film then red & white tissue in the scale colour scheme
Grt_Lakes box lid_2.jpg
The transfer set from the Great Lakes kit
The transfer set from the Great Lakes kit
  • O/D P30
  • assorted KK (& other) rubber 'scale' models - FW190, Fairey Gannet, Piper(s), Aero Fuji, ...
FF Kits_1.jpg
  • assorted AMA Delta Darts
  • Assorted peanut scale - Waco, Lacy, Fike, ...
  • scramble model using a Gaucho fuse & tail with a wing appropriated from something else long forgotten - it used to fly surprisingly well
  • Hangar Rats & a Zephyr canard indoor F/F, both local Aussie kits & superb flyers.
  • 1/2A power, based on the AAM Firewagon circa 1977
  • F200 foam indoor models, featured in Aeromodeller many years ago
  • and a whole bunch of kits, mostly scale (probably half of which came from GaryDnb before fleeing the colonies - thanks mate ;) ), the rest an eclectic mix collected over the years, and hopefully destined for fun with the grandkids.
An eclectic mix!?<br />The Avro Mk IV is one I've never seen since, so I'm very glad I grabbed it when I saw it &gt;25 years ago :-)  I had a KK Chief in 1969-70. Don't recall where I got the Herr Eng kit for the J-3, but it was a while back - a beautifully manufactured kit.
An eclectic mix!?
The Avro Mk IV is one I've never seen since, so I'm very glad I grabbed it when I saw it >25 years ago :-) I had a KK Chief in 1969-70. Don't recall where I got the Herr Eng kit for the J-3, but it was a while back - a beautifully manufactured kit.
edit - first pictures added, more to follow.....
Jan.11 - more pics added
Last edited by Wayne_H on 12 Jan 2021, 03:58, edited 2 times in total.

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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Re: Forgot that I had so many F/F models stashed away

Post by Shaun »

Build the triplane.. I have always liked planes from the Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines era. 👍

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