It's taken longer than I'd anticipated to get such a relatively simple conversion completed!?!

The Tutor wing has been repaired, sanded to a more aerodynamic profile and made ready for covering with laminating film & tissue, using the same methodology I employed on the (new build) tail-plane. I didn't sand off every last bit of the silver enamel or re-straighten the crooked ribs, to leave a visible connection to the origins & history of this 50+ year old wing. The fact that the Tutor flew so well in it's original "as built"(?) condition says great things about the original design.

I'm still undecided on which radio functionality to install - GG, 1+1 or compound action - my current leaning is towards an Adams magnetic actuator and a 1+1 Tx. The Mills .75 is to be replaced with an electric system.