For the patient & inquisitive

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For the patient & inquisitive

Post by Phil_G »

There are a lot of singlechannellersreunited pages on Wayback, I've been browsing the old "GG on 2.4g" thread, Shauns "Aerial Contact - I finally have one!", Oteru's 10ch Reed set thread, and "New OrangeRx DSM2/DSMX/Walkera RF module from Hobbyking" - its not a complete mirror by any means and would take an awful lot of dedication and effort to restore - but a fair bit of it is there if you have time for a nostalgic browse, including a lot of the photos & diagrams.

There are 627 items stored, mostly from September 2016. Here are the links:*/http://si ...*
Right-click on any link (the blue gobblydygook) that includes the word "viewtopic" and 'open in a new tab', this will give you a wayback calendar. Click on any highlighted date (ie in a circle) and theres your page. Its quite long-winded, anyone fancy doing a script to pull the lot?

I have done it manually in the past for individual projects (ie Radiolink mods long after the Giantcod forum closed) but not a whole forum, it would be a huge task.

Example pages:

Its still very tedious and quite a faff but with a bit of patience the restoration of some old threads can be done, provided there is a source somewhere - whether that be from personal archives, from web pulls or from Wayback... so far, I've done a few and also managed to put them under their original authors which is nice.
Some photos are still 'missing in action', so if you can find any missing pics that would be a big help.
Unfortunately, I've very little to go on for most of the old 'projects' area, which was a favourite section for many, so any resubmitted projects would be most welcome, even if they're not word-for-word recreations of the originals.
Any transmitter build threads you could resubmit, even if its just photos & no text, it all helps add interest to the forum. They're a great reference for newcomers assembling their first homebrew, and a source of ideas to pinch for the veterans Image

Cheers & ta v much
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Re: For the patient & inquisitive

Post by ozrs »

some info seems more complete others, for example going to: ... 1e118b50ff

gives access to some of the threads - the most popular ones on GG (with most posts) seem to be there minus some pictures.
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Re: For the patient & inquisitive

Post by _AL_ »

You've been busy Phil.
I'm away till Thursday. When I get back I'll go through my stuff & get some pics uploaded.

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Re: For the patient & inquisitive

Post by RON »

Thanks Al :D

Very much appreciated

G0MBV Class A Radio Amateur, North Yorkshire
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