Who here fly 1:1 scale?

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Re: Who here fly 1:1 scale?

Post by Wayne_H »

Virtually all my "formal" flying has been sailplanes - predominantly glass but I never passed up an opportunity to fly a vintage sailplane. KA-4, K7, short & long wing Kookaburra, Platypus, etc. Soloed in Blaniks off the winch.

While I never obtained a PPL, my time as an Air Traffic Controller in & around Sydney throughout the 80's, along with my (predominantly modelling) contacts got me stick time in the right seat and/or front seat of some very interesting (at least to me :P ) powered types.

A winter night freight run in a DC3 from Mascot to Essendon & return was my first twin engine landing, first experience with ice bashing the side of the fuse (off the props), first time pumping the handle to maintain pressure and first diversion clear of "high" country due the IFR LSALT being above the single engine performance of the DC3 at our weight. Regardless, the DC3 was IMHO an absolute 'lady', a delight to fly.

The highlight of my 2 week famil tour with the Aussie airforce - RAAF - at Williamtown north of Sydney was an hour in a Macchi MB-336 doing aerobatics and make-believe ground attack. We were cleared from ground to FL220 and used all of it. :D Ironically the Yanks were over paid, over sexed & over here (as the saying went :shock:) playing wars with the RAAF, so the Mirage III's were off limits for famil flights - damn!!

While based at Mascot, Japan Air Lines (JAL) started flying into Sydney. All the flight crews needed route certification, so there was a standing invite for ATC to join in as 1st class ballast. A shiny new DC10 with only a dozen on board and minimal fuel went up at a phenomenal rate!

I spent a number of years at Bankstown as a tower controller. At one stage, the Bond airship ran scenic flights over Sydney for paying pax off cruise ships. Cancelations were filled by staff off the airfield, so I had several jaunts when my shifts permitted. The airship had amazing performance to 2000', then slow motion took over. There were no rudder pedals, just pitch & yaw on the yoke & vectored thrust.

Work at Bankstown involved staying current in the tower at Camden, where most gliding in the Sydney basin occurred. I accumulated stick time in several types. Years later, Camden was where I first flew my DG101, which I still have. I should've had all my diamonds, but in my excitement at getting into wave over the Snowy Mtns, I forgot to notch my baragraph - won't make that mistake again :oops: .

When I was scoring the Australian Multi-class gliding Nats (circa 2009), I took the opportunity to rack up as much time as possible in their "modified" C150, on the daily temp trace flights. It (VH-KML, aka "the camel") was fitted with a motor out of a C172 (from memory), specifically moded for glider towing. It routinely launched fully laden Open & 2 seater types. Not your average C150 8-)

Also have time in a L4 Cub, Yak 18T (the 4 seat "officer's taxi" version, not the 2 seat tandem version), Bonanza variants, C172, C182, C182RG, etc.

One last anecdote. While based in Melbourne, I "bummed" a lift to Sydney on an IAI Westwind doing night courier Ops up & down the east coast. I subsequently got a lift back next night. The following week, the actual aircraft I flew in augered into the ocean off Sydney with what was subsequently diagnosed as run away elevator trim. There but for the grace of God.......

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Re: Who here fly 1:1 scale?

Post by Stew »

Great replies from you guys. I've enjoyed reading them. Quite a range of experience on one little forum! Everything from the lowliest C150 through to airliners!

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Re: Who here fly 1:1 scale?

Post by Shaun »

Found my old flying log

Also has 29 mins steering a C 130 Hercules around, few hrs in a Chipmunk, 5 hrs in a Jodel ambassador, 20 mins in a Provost,and numerous short trips in spam cans. Wàhey :D
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Re: Who here fly 1:1 scale?

Post by Martin »

I flew sailplanes. First solo in a Blanik, Silver C in a K8, Gold height in a Jantar Standard, never did the gold distance flights. Rode in, and flew, the club's tugs and other light planes - but never tried to get a PPL.

Then I took up hang gliding. I still have a hang glider stored in my garage, but not flown now for 20+ years. I've had idle thoughts of flying it R/C, but even with a fairly lightweight dummy pilot it would be way over the normal weight limits for R/C planes, so there's too much hassle in getting the necessary checks and paperwork done. Nowadays, there's more bureaucracy involved in flying models over 25 kg than there is in flying manned light aircraft.
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Re: Who here fly 1:1 scale?

Post by tiptipflyer »

Got my PPLin 1980 at Redstone Arsenal Flying Club at Huntsville/Ala when I was in the air force. I had the US and the German license.
Have then mostly flown Sportavia RS180, C152/172, PA28/38, Beech Sundowner, Piper L-18, Piaggio 149, few hours in a SF25 motorglider, 30 min in a Jet Provost and 20 min in a B757.
After the Air Force I worked for 22 years as an Air Traffic Controler (Tower Controller) at Cologne Intl. Airport and also got some hours of full B707 simulator, A320 simulator and F16 simulator.
I stopped flying when I retired in 2009.

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