GPS Speed logger

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GPS Speed logger

Post by Shaun »

Any of our resident electronics / coding alumni fancy a challenge?

How difficult would it be to make an inexpensive , small GPS Speed logger for RC plane use.

I know Sky RC make one for about £50.00 but that's a tad expensive for a whim. From my drone days, gps antennae / compass modules are inexpensive; chuck in an Arduino, oled display a few buttons, a bit of code and the jobs done, isn't it?

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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by Flynn »

There is quite a long thread over on ... ent-995729 about a DiY logger (or two!)

Yes, it is basically a gps module, a esp32-C3 module, a tf card holder and optionally a small tft display. The data can be displayed in Google earth as a track with waypoints, speed and altitude. I do have a few boards spare if you fancy having a go at the one I developed.
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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by Shaun »

Thanks for the link. I will have a good read .

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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by bluejets »

Take with a grain of salt....some work, many do not ....... ;) ... RC-Plan/
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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by Mike_K »

There is a cheaper and easier option, use an old phone! Most of us have a draw full of our old phones and with a popular App, they turn into GPS data loggers, storing location, altitude, time and if configured speed to a CSV file that can be opened in any spreadsheet. And phones can run spreadsheets, so you can view the data when on the phone or transfer it to a PC. You can even superimpose the data onto a map app to see where you really have been flying, it was surprising how far out we sometimes fly.

The app I have tried is GPSLogger for Android, though I'm certain there are similar apps for iPhones.

There are a few downsides, the model needs to be large enough to fit the phone, the phone is not easy to control once in the model (but just turn the app on at the start and log until you finish for the day, the battery will easily last), if you do log speed it's in metres/sec, (easy to convert to mph or km/h). But you could get all those issues with a DIY GPS logger as well.

The old Honor phone we were using took ages to get a gps fix until we put a cheap pay-as-you-go SIM in it (apparently GPS gets a fix quicker if they know their rough location first). Once it's got it's location and locked into some satellites, put it into flight mode to ensure WiFi, Bluetooth and 4G are off and you are good to go.

There are probably apps that log just speed, but at the time I was only interested in where I'd flown (and how high), not just speed.
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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by Shaun »

Good idea Mike.
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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by ozrs »

You can buy a GPS speedometer with digital display for about 5 pounds from AliExpress.

Various different model are available, so you may be able to find one which remembers max speed (if that is what you are after).

Or pair it with a thumb camera pointing at the digital display.
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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by PaulJ »

Whichever speedlogger you decide on, don't forget that GPS will only measure your speed over the ground. So if there is any wind it will significantly affect the speed it registers..... ;)

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Re: GPS Speed logger

Post by Shaun »

Cheers guys. 👍
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