Uploading videos

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Uploading videos

Post by Phil_G »

We all enjoy a video and as we all know, "if there's no video, it didn't happen" :D
We want to encourage the posting of videos but some dont have a Yooch account, and videos as attachments are a significant overhead on Ron's hosting allocation. For this purpose I've created a Youtube channel "Mode-Zero videos" where any of the mods can transfer these video attachments, so they're not stored on the forum nor locally on your PC and no theres need to download the file. They're much more pleasant to watch on a proper video hosting platform, no stuttering and you dont waste any of your own disk space with a local copy.
If you dont have your own Yooch account just post the file as an attachment, and one of us will transfer it later. All the videos are 'unlisted' so no-one will find them other than through the mode-zero threads, they're not publicly displayed, nor is the channel.

Pretty much any format is ok be it Mov, Avi, mp4, wmv etc

Keep posting videos!

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