New ride

Born again bikers!
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Joined: 17 Feb 2018, 10:16

New ride

Post by smokey125 »

Having not had a road bike for for about 5 years and having not even ridden a bike at all since DNFing in my last ride at the Manx nearly 3 years ago I went and picked this up a few weeks ago, needed something cheap to get to work.
It had been partially stripped by someone who had grand ideas of some sort of project without any idea how to achieve this goal! So I put it all back together and got it running again and off we went.
It definitely falls into the fugly bracket (functional but ugly) but it's fine as a commuter.
Just goes to show that old habits die hard as after a weeks worth of riding I'm already giving serious thought as to upgrading suspension and brakes!
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Re: New ride

Post by Phil_G »

Been up to Squires on the Enfield tonight, first time out since doing my right hand... and managed to avoid the need to brake during the entire ride! Most if the inside of my middle-finger is thick scar tissue so it just wont bend - I've some very uncomfortable exercises to do that are supposed to ease that... feels like my finger has a carbon spar!

Squires is getting worse & worse, its entirely staffed by children and theres no apparent authority or guidance. My black coffee was white (again) and my chicken & mushroom pastie was (possibly?) beef that looked like it had been reheated many times over. Or horse. Truly awful, but its what we've come to expect :lol:

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Joined: 17 Feb 2018, 10:16

Re: New ride

Post by smokey125 »

I've been meaning to try and get over to Squires and see what it's like, not so sure it's worth the effort now! :lol:
To be honest that sounds just like Ryka's at Box hill in Surrey. Used to be a proper cafe now it's a second rate McDonalds knock off, even the coffee is rubbish!
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