Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

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Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Wayne_H »

Look out, I've been thinking :o

It occurred to me that since we are an on-line community why can't we use that on-line access to hold a simultaneous flying event(s) any/every where? :shock: Given the varying lock-down restrictions around the globe, why not nominate a date/weekend (with the following weekend as reserve if local weather doesn't cooperate) and we get out individually or with like-minded mates and just fly, chat, fly, BS to any/all in attendance, fly, etc. Only prerequisite for participation is that we take lots of pics and post them on the Forum.

I'm up for it, what about the rest of you? :D

P.S The weather in Aus is always great, so I(we) shall magnanimously fit in with you northern hemisphere types :P :P

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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by PaulJ »

It's a great idea Wayne, and in principle, I love it! :P However the problem here in the UK is that we have a new lockdown starting on Thursday and lasting for the next 4 weeks. I have just received an email from my model club saying that model flying will not be allowed for the duration........ 'Still, I will enjoy reading about other people's exploits.

An added bummer for me is that my new creation, an electric glider which I am calling "Corona", is just about ready to fly. :roll:

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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Mike_K »

Hi Wayne

That is a lovely idea, at least we would all feel we're involved in some joint flying.

However Paul is quite correct in that much of Europe is in lock-down and we can't fly at our clubs, though we can still fly individually on private grounds (the same as our first lock-down). Also, the weather in the UK is heading into winter and the number of days when the weather is suitable is limited, we've had gales and flooding in the last week and a floatplane would be more suitable for the fields behind my house.

But go for it, seeing a few pictures from others would be better than nothing.

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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by iflylilplanes »

Maybe we should look ahead, pick a period in the future that will give a reasonable days flying for both north and south hemispheres, say mid spring/autumn next year, and how about a model of the meet as well. It's possible the Covid situation may be workable in 5 months time.


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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Wayne_H »

My apologies to all you northern hemisphere types. Living in the great south land, I (we?) tend to take our low population density outside of the capital cities and our climate for granted :o Consequently, Covid restrictions outside the capital cities (and Victoria) are less stringent than what you guys are experiencing :cry: My thoughts are with you - stay safe & well please ;)

Perhaps, as an interim until something like Dave's suggestion can be tried, what if we were to nominate the last weekend of each month is a fly if you can weekend. Anybody that gets to fly takes some pics & posts a short report - what you flew, what radio(s) you used, weather, anybody else fly with you, etc.

What do you think?

Meanwhile, stay safe & well - the world needs more retrobates :D :D

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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Phil_G »

I'd wondered about a one-model online comp along the lines of the old Wakefield postal comps.
The model would be a harmless 'toy' like the KF606: viewtopic.php?p=8412#p8412
The rules could be something like you video a flight, no editing allowed, it has to be exactly a 60 second flight and achieve 'roof height', with landing on the spot and points deducted for over/under time and distance from the spot. If theres no wind you can fly these in your garden, kids playground or a small park, so it opens it up for anyone self-isolating or who just doesnt fancy venturing out just yet. Waddya fink?
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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by MJF »

The only thing flying here right now is snow. Just spent an hour and half shoveling.
-21 C with the 41 Km wind gust. The good news it is supposed to warm up in a couple of months!
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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by iflylilplanes »

I've got a Vapor, take off and land on my work bench at work, 17 grams with the battery onboard, will that do?

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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Nick M »

I'm in

Can always repurpose in some sort of other flying creation after

Should be possible to work out a version of the rudder only escapement on the taranis which might be fun / complicate things - or should I say make it more challenging?
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Re: Mode Zero On-Line Rally?

Post by Wayne_H »

An RC version of the 20" Hanger Rat - - has been on my gunna make one of them list for a looong time. I made a twice size version in 1995 as my attempt at a practical indoor model using (then) readily available gear. I still have it and it flies extremely well.

With all the cheap micro gear readily available these days, a 20" RC version should be practical. It would have the added bonus of meeting, I think, the intent of what Phil has proposed. Yes, that sort of gear costs as much as, if not more than, the complete KF606 setup that Phil has suggested. But, I already have the small gear & materials with me, while I don't have a KF606 :?

Guess I'll have to make one - watch this space!

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