Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

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Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by XK50 »

As explained in my “Welcome” posting, I’ve set out to make a Remcon 12 Versatile “reed” transmitter to replace one that was stolen, in 1968. The receiver and a couple of Bonner Duramites were not in the car and, never having been near a model, have been waiting, patiently, for 52 years.

The Remcon 12 Versatile, launched in 1966, was an update to the Remcon 12, from 1964. The corresponding superhet receiver was given a make-over, at the same time. Not a lot changed, frankly. The relevant RCM&E construction articles are:

Remcon 12 Tx RCM&E October 1964
Remcon Superhet Rx RCM&E February 1965
Remcon 12 Versatile TX and RX RCM&E April 1966

The articles describing the early versions remain useful, as they have some additional constructional information/photos, which are relevant to both versions.

For info, Phil_G has a Remcon reprint of both the April ‘66 Versatile articles, in the Single Channel archive. Look for M48. It was downloading this that gave me the idea of building a transmitter to complete the set.

Not having the luxury, this time, of a kit, I started off by etching a hand drawn circuit board. Whilst OK, it didn’t look very smart and could have made better allowance for my choice of Bourns sliding pots (metric, now, not imperial!). Phil_G’s advice was to use a laser-toner transfer process. My first try was usable! Still requiring a lot of cleaning up and cutting to size, the board is shown below.

Since then, all the components have been added, with the exception of the seven switches (on stalks), the crystal and the six sliding pots (on the reverse). The sliders can’t go on, until the switches are in place; and I want to use the case as a jig for mounting the switches. So, not having bashed tin since 1965, making the case is my next job.

Finally, I only began this project with the firmest, most absolute, total, 110% conviction that the original receiver and a second Duramite was in a plastic storage crate, at the back of a “glory hole” in the eaves of the house, all guarded by a heavy, and full, bookcase. Summoning up the strength, I eventually got in there. Found my old RAF Crash Tender and a Mantua yacht ...... but no receiver or Duramite! Panicking, a quick look on “the bay” found a matching Remcon receiver for sale (what’s the chance of that!). It was an original version, but had all the rocking horse bits, should I need to make the later version. A great insurance policy for twenty quid. It had my name all over it!

Thanks for reading.

Best wishes,

Remcon Superhet

aka XK50
aka One of the New Bunch
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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by Wavemeter »

I love this project. I remember being very envious of a Versatile 12 for sale high up in a cardboard box in a junk shop. It had the receiver and three Duramites with it. I distinctly remember it’s khaki colour with red lettering . What looked like switches out of may Dads mini . A long chrome aerial with a well tatty red pennant. Oh I so wanted it.
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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by Phil_G »

Back in the day my Dad did the same thing John - he borrowed an unbuilt Remcon kit from a clubmate and copied the PCB, it was a great set and served us for several years then was passed on I dont remember where. I'm guessing I'd be maybe 12 ish, this is the only photo I have of the Remcon:


My current one is a frequent flyer, still has the old PIC 12ch encoder:



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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by PaulJ »

I built one back in the day but it never worked properly....... I suspect the problem was me rather than anything seriously wrong with the design! :?

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An Update

Post by XK50 »

Case front, with dimples, made and switches soldered to the circuit board.

I ended up making the case from 0.8mm mild steel. It's fine. I tried 1mm, but just don't have the strength, these days, to work it on the kitchen table. The dimples were made by reversing a hole punch. Not perfect, but a fair facsimile. The case rear should be easier.

Due to the virus, it might be a few weeks before I can get down to Halfords, to select the right colour paint.

Using the case as a jig, when soldering the switches to the board, seemed like a good idea. However, this resulted in a huge heatsink (the switch!) being attached to the "stalks", when soldering them in. I had to turn the wick right up! But done, now.

Using yet another paddle switch for the on/off switch might create confusion, in the heat of the moment, and so I elected to use a traditional toggle switch. It looks odd and might be changed.

Thoughts turn, now, to the correct crystals and the making of a centre-loaded aerial.

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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by Tobe »

That's a nice sheet metal job, hat off.
I also do my cases but I stay with aluminum.


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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by XK50 »

Thanks for your kind words, Tobe.

If doing it all, again, I would use aluminium, too! My wrists took three days to recover, after punching those dimples!

Meanwhile, I envy your own abilities with 3D printing.

I was fortunate enough to be part-programming a Ferranti Numerical Control Machine (one of four in the UK), around the time I built my original Remcon 12 transmitter. Recently, I’ve tried to get into a couple of CAD programs, but seem to be suffering from “3-Dyslexia”.

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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by Wayne_H »

Tobe wrote: 08 Nov 2020, 17:16 That's a nice sheet metal job, hat off....
I agree with Tobe - nice job ;)

I too normally use aluminium, but as I have a huge supply of 0.8mm steel sheet with a textured & coloured finish, I'm thinking of using that with the stick assemblies I recently acquired from Tobe (and which by the way, are awesome!!).
I think the pre-coloured & textured 0.8mm steel sheet compliments the colour of Tobe's stick assembly, in a retro kind of way!?!
I think the pre-coloured & textured 0.8mm steel sheet compliments the colour of Tobe's stick assembly, in a retro kind of way!?!
However, my arthritis may not appreciate working it :shock: We shall see....

Good luck with the Remcon 12 Versatile.

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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by XK50 »

Helped with information from Pete Christy, a pair of matched crystals has been ordered from Crystalslab.

3rd Overtone, 27.14500 MHz, HC33u wire-ended Crystal for transmit on 27.14500 MHz
3rd Overtone, 26.68000 MHz, HC33u wire-ended Crystals for receive on 27.14500 MHz

Delivery is quoted as 20 working days.

As anticipated, the crystals were not cheap. However, I was comforted to work out that the matched pair were the same price (57 shillings and 6 pence) as the originals were from Remcon, when adjusted for the RPI (as were the switches from Mouser).

Dave, at Crystalslab, was very thorough, and in answer to questions relating to the circuit conditions in which the crystals were to operate (“Que?”), I simply provided the circuit diagrams and the relevant components values. All sorted.

Right, on to fitting the sliding pots, making a centre-loaded aerial and bashing out the case rear. Would you believe the other half of the metal sheet for the case, all wrapped in corregated paper, has gone “walk-about”. How? I’m not going to spend hours looking for it. It will reappear, when it’s ready. Probably when looking for the next thing I’ve “lost”!

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Re: Remcon 12 Versatile - A Tribute Act

Post by XK50 »

Hi Wayne - I agree; Tobe’s sticks go well with your textured sheet. Very stylish!

However, now that aluminium is no longer needed for Spitfire production, I will be giving it a go, for any future project.

Best wishes,

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