Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

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Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Mike_K »

I didn't know which category this really fits in, announcements? events? some new category?

Either way, if any of you visit BMFA Buckminster, please visit the reception room, as there's now a fantastic display of vintage engines, various kits from KK, Veron, Mercury etc. And to do my bit I've loaned them 60 odd vintage radio sets from the '50s through to the early '80s.


The radios are from my "reserve collection", they're ones I have duplicates of, so if anything should happen to them, I've still got at least one of them. They range from 1950s ED ground-based sets, later ED and REP sets, RCS S/C, reeds and propo, ABC, Controlaire, MacGregor and Futaba S/C sets, Remcon, F&M Matador Orbit and OS reeds, Graupner Variophon, Fleet, Controlaire and Citizenship GG sets, then the common 1970s propo sets such as Futaba, Skyleader, Kraft, Macgregor, Horizon, World Engines, Micron, RCM&E FM, OS, Remcon, Sanwa, Waltron, Graupner, Swan, Staveley and Sprengbrook. I know they don't look as "vintage" but I also included a Futaba J series (in my view the first "modern" set) and a JR Apex Computer (first mass-produced computer radio with LCD and menu switches). There would have been Flight Link sets, but I sold them to Stuart Mackay, a Simprop set that I sold and a MacGregor GG set but swapped it for a Gallatrol!

There are a couple of cabinet shelves that don't really work, so will be adding a few additions to fill the shelves up. And the description labels were done by a volunteer and I think could have been a little more discreet, so I'll be replacing them as well.

In addition to this, Shaun should be lending them some of his demo rigs and allegedly doing some talks to fit in with the BMFA 100 year celebrations - watch this space!!
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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Wayne_H »

Well done Mike, a most impressive "reserve collection" indeed. I'd relish being "let loose" in your main collection :lol:

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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Pchristy »

They are having a display of significant aircraft and radios for their upcoming centenary exhibition. I'm lending them my Schluter Cobra, Micro-Mold Lark and Morley Bell 47.

I'm also lending them my Bonner Digimite-8 (still in working order!), which was the first mass-produced digital RC system.

I bought my Digimite second-hand off a clubmate back in 1968, and I never lost a model with it! The quality of the mouldings for the servos is quite something, and would probably stretch today's manufacturers!

It was BIG, though! Each servo was the size of a cigarette packet, the receiver the size of TWO cigarette packets and all powered by a 7-cell NiCad! All up flying weight with 4 servos, 28ozs - over 1.5 lbs!


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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Mike_K »


The radios I've lent them are just to brighten up the reception and it's pure coincidence that it's come to fruition at about the same time as the centenary exhibition. I took the radio's there in a rush in early March 2020, to try to get them displayed before I went on a ski holiday, but the storage cabinets hadn't been delivered, so I left the radios, intending to go back later in March 2020. Then covid events took over and the radios were left in storage boxes in the store room at Buckminster for the next two years until I mustered enough enthusiasm to get them on display.

I must make time to go up to Buckminster in July to see what's going on, are you going up any time soon? It'd be good to have another mini-ponty type meeting there. Is anybody else up for it?

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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Shaun »

Good idea Mike. Count me in . 👍
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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by Pchristy »

Hi Mike,

I'm going up there sometime in the very near future to drop off my stuff for the display, and again after the display closes, to pick them up again.

Its quite a long way from here - not quite as far as Ponty, but far enough to be conscious of the cost of diesel! :o

They have run a vintage fly-in day in the past, but I haven't checked to see if they are holding one this year. I will ask when I go up in a week or so's time.

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Re: Transmitter display at BMFA Buckminster

Post by GarydNB »

Sam 35 Retro Nats is from the 25th-27th June. I'm going on the Sunday.
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