Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

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Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by Wayne_H »

When Dave Rigotti first published pictures of the Controlaire reed Tx that he had acquired - viewtopic.php?f=26&t=501 - I was immediately interested in the case, irrespective of the condition :shock: :P , my desire being to ultimately have a multi-reed Tx as a "big brother" to my Controlaire Mule S/C Tx - viewtopic.php?f=24&t=462 - that uses Martins encoder.

There is an old Aussie pop song from the 70's that has a line in the chorus "...don't you ever let a chance go by...". Being true to that theme, I contacted Dave & after some email discussions, he graciously passed the damaged case front (there was no back) and the original meter & power switch onto me for the cost of postage - thanks mate :D ;) . Dave re-cycled the remaining bits to produce his beautiful Golden Radio Control Systems Tx.

When the case arrived in the mail, upon actual physical examination (rather than examination of the pictures Dave had posted on the forum) I believe it fair to say that Dave was "polite" when he described the damage. I don't think it was just dropped or maybe sat on, rather it had been walked on or some other horrible mistreatment visited upon it :cry: . It has also at some dark stage in it's life, been attacked with needle-nose pliers :x .Regardless, a strategy eventually surfaced in the grey matter to re-birth the Tx and eventually return it to service.

All the panel beating work has been done to the front half of the case. I reduced the depth of the Tx by about 1cm which had a double benefit:
  • 1) it removed the most damaged part of the case front &
  • 2) most importantly, it then enabled me to then use the A4 size sheet of aluminium I had to bend up a case back, which I fitted blind rivets to rather than rely on self-tappers into the soft ali.
I've modified some guitar switches and fitted them and the original power switch to the case.
the scratches around the reed switches are from being attacked with needle-nose pliers by an owner prior to Dave. To paraphrase Carl, I now see them as adding to the patina.....
the scratches around the reed switches are from being attacked with needle-nose pliers by an owner prior to Dave. To paraphrase Carl, I now see them as adding to the patina.....

I have both a Reeduino and Reedy 10 encoder ready to go, but I'm still undecided as to which to use. Seeing as the original is a 12ch and I can utilise the original meter to remain "true to form" I'm leaning towards the Reeduino. But (there's always a but :oops: ) the Reedy 10 with OLED display would match the Mule conversion. Regardless of which encoder I settle on, the Controlaire will have both 36MHz and 2.4Ghz RF, switchable just like I did in the Mule.

So far, I'm very pleased with the outcome. More to come...........

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Re: Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by tiptipflyer »

Hi Wayne,

nothing can beat an original case, regardless of its condition. I am sure it will be a great transmitter when finished. The dents and scratches will just add to the value of it. It looks used in the best meaning of the word.
It will not sit in a glas shelf for decades, it will be used to fly, that is all what matters.

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Re: Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by drigotti »

Looking GREAT Wayne! Glad I was part of the "project!"
Dave Rigotti
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Re: Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by jmendoza »

The Controlaire cases were photo etched to create the swirl pattern. They have a coat of clear on them to protect the finish and silk screened logo. Sometimes, some areas of the sheet metal they used did not get all the acid cleaned off during the rinse after etching and then it got trapped under the clear coat. Years later, you see white corrosion forming in the swirl pattern and the clear is lifting in those areas as well.

I have a very early Controlaire 10 with a light gold anodized case, and a blue anodized badge on the front, early 1960s vintage. Designed by Jack Port. Also have the later model, like the one Rigotti had, an Orbit 12, a Kraft Custom 12, all are original, the Orbit and Kraft work. They use Bonner Transmites.
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Re: Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by Wayne_H »

While I was on a roll after finishing the MAN 2-3-2.4 tx, I decided to get some more work done on the Controlaire reed tx.

After several work sessions in fits 'n starts, I finished the job today:
  • All the leaf switches wired up
each switch was labelled with it's Arduino pin number
each switch was labelled with it's Arduino pin number
  • encoder board mounted on a timber stand off
  • Frsky DHT diy module installed. Rather than use the supplied short antenna, I opted for a longer, higher gain antenna, not because I needed the higher radiated signal strength but because the longer version looks better installed on the (relatively) large tx case
  • mounted the bind board on the case bottom. It's recessed so the button can't be bumped inadvertently
Bind board access & DIN charge receptacle
Bind board access & DIN charge receptacle
  • mounted a DIN socket on the case bottom for charging the Tx battery.
  • added a switch for the V-tail mixer, discretely hidden behind the antenna
  • added another switch for the auxiliary channel, utilising an existing hole on the case front
  • installed the S/C button
  • removed the 36Mhz RF board & antenna. I may reinstall it at some later date.
  • Bound the Tx to an old 8 ch. Frsky Rx
12ch Reeduino_external.jpg
12ch Reeduino_internal.jpg
It works!! Most chuffed 'cause that is the Shiny Boxes trio finished :D
The Shiny Box Trio
The Shiny Box Trio
Last edited by Wayne_H on 07 Dec 2020, 11:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Controlaire 10/12ch Reed Tx

Post by tiptipflyer »

Great Wayne, I like those shine boxes very much. They are almost unknown in our area.
Well done. Good luck for the first flight.

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