What I've been up to - Armstrong MT500

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What I've been up to - Armstrong MT500

Post by NeilMac »

I have been missing from the world of aeromodelling for a number of months, only occasionally popping out to fly my Lidl glider, this has been partly down to time and partly due to the recent and impending legislation, anyway, here are a couple of pix of my MT500, converted to electric start (with a replacement engine) by Steve White in the Forest of Dean, who has now emigrated to South America (was it that traumatic?), which is how I came by the bike.

After a few tinkerings and fettlings, plus a new set of Mitas E07 tyres it recently sailed through the MOT. The plans for now are just local buzzing about plus a little green lane riding, something I have never done before, but as the TET (Trans European Trail) passes only 30 miles from my house I fancy a go at bit of it. Next year I am planning a trip to the Somme area, to visit the graves of two great uncles who were killed in 1916, after that... dunno, more buzzing about I expect.
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Re: What I've been up to - Armstrong MT500

Post by Martin »

Nice. Front brake is probably a bit feeble for road use? The MT350 had a single disc - a worthwhile upgrade if you can get hold of the parts cheap.
Posts: 165
Joined: 04 Feb 2019, 22:07
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Re: What I've been up to - Armstrong MT500

Post by NeilMac »

The front brake is...erm, adequate... ish.

Actually it would be fine if not for the modern driving habit of preforming a last minute emergency stop, while at the very same moment turning on the indicator and then making the turn manoeuvre. When people do that I often scream like a small girl while pulling this face :o .

MT350 bits are pretty pricey and getting a complete set of fork legs, plus a wheel is hard. I could go monster custom and get some CCM 604 forks and bits, but for now I will just ride at a speed that suits the brake, after all 20 MPH is fast enough for anyone, I can't see what all this rushing about accomplishes.
"I'm your huckleberry, that's just my game"
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