Been Flying

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Been Flying

Post by Mike_K »

As the weather isn't looking too good for the next few days I thought I'd have a quick flight over lunch time as the sun was out, little wind, but plenty of snow still lying around. As snow tends to get in everywhere I needed one of my models without openings or cooling slots all over it, so choose my Weekender I got at Ponty and built by Wayne. I doubt Wayne thought he'd see his old model flying in the snow (well laying in the snow after the flight) and still in one piece for that matter :)

All my fingers could take was 5 minutes and that was with my heated Skyleader. And it's too cold to do any building, my 3kW fan heater isn't quite enough for my workshop in this weather, so time to do some programming indoors!


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Re: Been Flying

Post by Wayne_H »

Mike_K wrote: 31 Jan 2019, 13:43 ......... choose my Weekender I got at Ponty and built by Wayne. I doubt Wayne thought he'd see his old model flying in the snow (well laying in the snow after the flight) and still in one piece for that matter :) ......
As Goma Pile use to say "weeell goleeeee" :lol: Yes Mike, I did look twice to work out it twernt a joke, especially since it's been >40C out here for the last 2-3 weeks (highest official temp was 47C :shock: )

Really great to see you still enjoying the Weekender :D

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Phil_G »

Took a trip down to Sheffield today, flying with the SSA club behind the Sportsman pub at Redmires. I'd been there a few times but never flown there. There was a really good turnout and a wide range of models from motor-gliders to Fun-Jets and as usual the S/C and Reeds models caused a stir :D
Had several short flights but I've realised all my batteries are knackered, they all came from Giant Cod
so must be at least 10 maybe 12 years old. They were dying after a couple of circuits and then showing
full on the charger after a fraction of a charge had gone in. Measured them for discharge ESR at home
and they are all kaput. They've always been kept 'full', no storage charges, so I guess 10-12 years is ok!
So I'm a bit out of touch regarding batteries. Where do we buy them from now? I ordered a couple of 1100mAh testers from Robot Birds but they're quite expensive. The twopence-ha'penny giantcod days are over!

Later on, as the Sportsman is only 10 minutes from Callow, I went for a sloping session but the wind had died away and swung south, the only 'bad' direction at Callow. So I slopped two MOD ration MRE's in a pan and enjoyed a lovely tomato pasta salad and chilli mix with a big mug of Yorkshire tea :D
Called in on my mum (shes 94!) on the way home, got back home about 8:30.
A thoroughly pleasant day :D

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Re: Been Flying

Post by PaulJ »

FWIW, I get my batteries from Hobby King.... and "Zippys" seem to be just as good as the more expensive ones but a lot cheaper. :P

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Colonel Blink »

Yup all mine come from HobbyKing as well, and I mistreat them in just the same was as you do yours, Phil. Most are over 5 years old and a couple of them are bit puffy but still seem to deliver most of what was expected.

Best buy from the UK warehouse to avoid the 4000mAh(?) limit per delivery (if they still do that) and you get them in 24/48hours. Postage is a little steep if you are just buying a couple of 2S 360mAh, but if you pile the package to the weight limit its not too bad.
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Re: Been Flying

Post by RON »

Zippys are good

Also purchased some Hyperions early last year and they seem really good but are expensive.

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Mike_K »

Most of my Lipo's are Turnigy nano-tech for general flying and Turnigy Graphene for ducted fan, both from Hobbyking.

The ones I use the most My most used 2200mAH 25C 3S ones are into the 7th season and still hold over 90% capacity compared with when new, though I try to leave at least 20% capacity remaining at the end of each flight (I fly strictly to my count down timer). Similar to you, I store them fully charged, though most get used at least once a week as I continue flying through the winter.

In fact, something has got out-of-phase with the seasons. I flew all through the winter, but now spring is here I'm busy building models and transmitters.

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Wayne_H »

Actually, this brief 'report' is an amalgam of my last few brief outings, nearly all of which have been a quick dash to the field for only 1 or 2 test(?) flights :?

PageBoy Micro:
As much as I'd love to be able to say it's been another success, it hasn't (yet). More details in that thread.
PBMicro fly_1.jpg
PBMicro fly_2.jpg

UMX Super Cub & ASK21:
Not really retro, but sufficiently different to be worthy of mention.
UMX Cub+ASK21_s.jpg
Both fly well, but anything more than a light breeze and the fun factor goes south quickly. The Cub can "hover" in only the slightest breeze especially with 50% flap, but due to it's light weight, it gets seriously bounced around.
C_Cub fly_1.jpg
The wings on the ASK21 flex considerably when using the supplied bungee. Given it's light weight and reasonably good glide, I don't think it would take much thermal activity to turn an already small model into a speck.
ASK21 wings bend_1.jpg
ASK21 wings bend_3.jpg
Both UMX models are bound to my Taranis using a 4in1 Tx module. Range on both is limited, the RSSI alarm routinely going off at about 100m (airborne). Off course, at this distance, both appear rather tiny :o

KK Senator:
On my next outing, there was a gentle breeze blowing by the time I got the Senator out, which freshened while I was flying. This meant thermals could only be enjoyed for a little while before getting too far down wind - the Senator does not penetrate!
KK_Senator away.jpg
Regardless, still reliable & relaxing floating around - everybody should have (at least) one!

Amigo II with Reeduino Tx:
When I saw the Amigo sitting on the shelf, I thought why not? So I dropped a FrSky rx in then dialed in the TX - it was so easy, I have no clue why I didn't do it sooner :oops: .

Powered by a hot brushed ferrite buggy motor turning a 13" Cam prop through a 3:1 gearbox, the Amigo used to go up pretty quick! The drive train was well matched to the 7cell Nimh packs I used back when, however I only had a 3S LiPo this time. The extra voltage provided more oomph but now the motor has a distinct odor, obviously over-propped for 3S LiPo packs. Better go back to a 2S pack, ignore the smell & enjoy a more sedate climb!

However I did have a major "oops" on the first flight. I started the motor after flying around for a little while & the climb steepened rapidly. It was going through vertical when I pulled the throttle back - I thought - but I actually hit the elevator switch. It flicked over very quickly & accelerated downwards while I fumbled to kill the motor. Alas, I wasn't quick enough or coordinated enough using the new reeds tx and the dihedral joiner bent to about 30-40 degrees of dihedral. While "controllable", the "Dutch roll" oscillations were extreme if anything other than the briefest blip of rudder was used. I managed to get it onto the ground 100m or so away unscathed.

After straightening the joiner I had another flight of over 12min off 2 short climbs - very nice.
Having built the TX a year ago, but only just flown it for the first time, the combination worked so well, I really have no clue why I didn't think of it sooner!! :?


Reliable & fun as usual, that sums up the PageBoy. The highlight for me this outing was having my 5yo grand-daughter successfully launch the model twice. Having been a fetcher mite for several outings as well as having successfully flown the PageBoy on the button previously, she asked if she could launch it. After 2 "almost" launches she mastered it with 2 near-perfect launches!

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Phil_G »

Quite a turnout at Ponty today despite the cold, in fact as I drove in I thought there must be some sort of event happening! Took the yellow Junior 60 with the revamped Skyleader (7ch+s/c V2) and had a full afternoon of alternating two batteries, as unlike last time I did actually remember to take my charger :D

I've never used the flight timer on my Futaba radios (6EX and 7C) as I always thought they were too much of a faff, but the Skleader one is so easy! 5 minutes? hold the button, pip pip pip pip pip - done.
I also dislike nagging alarms that remind you again before you have had time to respond to the first one.
With the revised beeps this one gives you a few seconds between, plenty of time to cancel or extend the timer, in fact I've changed it again to make it even less insistent ;)

This was taken later on, after a few had left for Sunday roast, thats the JR60/Skyleader in the foreground:


Wayne_H wrote: 07 May 2019, 12:09The highlight for me this outing was having my 5yo grand-daughter successfully launch the model twice. Having been a fetcher mite for several outings as well as having successfully flown the PageBoy on the button previously, she asked if she could launch it. After 2 "almost" launches she mastered it with 2 near-perfect launches!
I found with Chloe the secret was to tell her to 'push' not throw, and to follow through, which she does with huge exaggeration! :D

The multiplex Fox is brilliant for teaching kids... cheap, flies well & almost indestructible!

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Re: Been Flying

Post by Sundancer »

We have had some surprisingly nice flying weather here during January so far, especially in terms of calm conditions and sunshine, albeit with heavy overnight frosts and chilly afternoons. I've been tempted out for three good sessions so far in 2020, carefully choosing those models which are most "hassle free", always a good thing for winter flying.
Relaxation is the name of the game, I'm flying the electrified Lulu soarer whilst duble size Frog Tom Tit, Fokker DVII and Elipstik 260 wait their turn.
Relaxation is the name of the game, I'm flying the electrified Lulu soarer whilst duble size Frog Tom Tit, Fokker DVII and Elipstik 260 wait their turn.
My model choice on this particular day was eclectic - Airknocker, Swannee, Tarquin and an X-Vert foamie
My model choice on this particular day was eclectic - Airknocker, Swannee, Tarquin and an X-Vert foamie
Loading a battery into my Swannee
Loading a battery into my Swannee
After years of flying only ARTFs Phillipe has been moved to try building - and loves it!
After years of flying only ARTFs Phillipe has been moved to try building - and loves it!
"I'm sure the right battery is in there somewhere"
"I'm sure the right battery is in there somewhere"
We have been having great fun with the little foam X-Vert VTOL RTF model after one of the French on-line sources offered them for a bargain 49 euros needing only a lipo and Tx to fly! Everyone snapped one up and they are very interesting to fly, albeit the vertical mode is limited to calm conditions if you don't want to drift off downwind. They ar easy to fly in the "stability" mode and totally wild in the "freestyle" one, where the differential thrust function on the rudder stick permits some amazing gyrations.
Phillipe seems perplexed with his X-Vert VTOL
Phillipe seems perplexed with his X-Vert VTOL
A 1000 2S pack JUST fits in the X-Vert with care.
A 1000 2S pack JUST fits in the X-Vert with care.
Attempting some 3 plane VTOL formation flying with the X-Verts - not very well as you can tell by the fact we are all looking in different directions!
Attempting some 3 plane VTOL formation flying with the X-Verts - not very well as you can tell by the fact we are all looking in different directions!
Me, Pierre-Olivier and Phillipe with our foam toys - lots of fun though!
Me, Pierre-Olivier and Phillipe with our foam toys - lots of fun though!
Pierre-Yves demonstrates the approved stance for receiving an X-Vert descending vertically
Pierre-Yves demonstrates the approved stance for receiving an X-Vert descending vertically
Vayres9.jpg (24.27 KiB) Viewed 4318 times
Got it!
Got it!
Vayres10.jpg (24.83 KiB) Viewed 4318 times
Karine kindly provided welcome sustenance of hot chocolate, coffee and cake, muchappreciated in the chilly conditions
Karine kindly provided welcome sustenance of hot chocolate, coffee and cake, muchappreciated in the chilly conditions
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