Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

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Re: Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

Post by Mike_K »

I too had a pleasant day on the slope for the ISA Nostalgia day. The ISA members were most welcoming and as friendly a bunch as you'll find.

It was a real shame that there was so little wind, most of us (including the ISA members) didn't bring along the style of models that we had hoped to. Most of us brought along a thermal soarer from the '80s or '90s and there were only a few dedicated slope soarers. And it wasn't like a "Ponty meeting" where many models are built for the event, the ISA idea of nostalgia is to bring along models they used to fly, but have pensioned off. Saying which I can hardly talk as I brought along my Soaron Sunshine 100S glider from 1983 that I hadn't flown since the mid '90s. It still had its original Fleet SCR1's servos fitted when I got it out of the loft :)

The exception to this was Nick who'd seen the weather forecast for light winds and had built his 'Zeitgeist' in the week leading up-to the Nostalgia day and had only finished it in the early hours of the morning. He had a few friendly jibes made about it being made of depron, but he had the last laugh as it comfortably out-soared everything in the conditions, including my modern Elf dlg. When the wind stopped blowing (which it frequently did), we were all retrieving from the bottom of the slope, while Nick was still flying! I had a quick fly of the Zeitgeist and it was quite incredible that you could do tight, flat turns with just rudder, without losing height. I don't think I touched the elevator the whole time.

Most models still had their 35MHz gear fitted and I can't remember a recent meet where there were so many long aerials extended. In fact, most of the ISA members weren't that interested in Phil's OS Pixie and RCS Reed set conversions or my Min-X GG and Skyleader SLX conversions as they had been modified. I think Paul's converted Gold Wing set fooled them all as he has the 2.4GHz antenna hidden in a frequency pendant and a few commented it was good to see him flying on 35MHz. Nobody asked where his frequency peg was...

Phil took far better photo's than me, so I'll only add a few extra.

The collection of vintage Tx with a modern FrSky on the left
The collection of vintage Tx with a modern FrSky on the left
Paul with his Halcyon and Gold Wing Tx waiting to launch
Paul with his Halcyon and Gold Wing Tx waiting to launch
The 'pits' at the top of the hill
The 'pits' at the top of the hill
A pair of Impala's, Phils with RCS reeds, mine with Min-X GG
A pair of Impala's, Phils with RCS reeds, mine with Min-X GG
Nick with his Zeitgeist
Nick with his Zeitgeist
Colonel Blink
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Re: Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

Post by Colonel Blink »

Beautiful! I really should get some slope soaring done.... it always felt like a very 'pure' sort of flight - especially in them low wind days with a lightly loaded model like that (or my long gone Gentle Lady)...
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Re: Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

Post by Mike_K »

What the difference a week makes.

As it was a bit windy on Saturday to fly power, I took my Phase 6 and Impala to Ivinghoe Beacon and the conditions were really good, albeit it was a south-easterly wind, so I had to use the less-used SE facing slope again (the same as we used for the nostalgia day). If only it could have been like this last week, there was plenty of lift for a Phase 6 :)

I also flew the Impala with the Tobe Rand LR3 and I'm making progress with it. It could do with a little bit more control authority on the elevator, but as impalas were designed to be flown S/C as well as propo (and reeds in Phil's case) it is quite happy on rudder, with the elevator used more for trim than for control. And I've probably got the CG too far forward, so I need to experiment moving it back to where it's shown on the plan.

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Re: Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

Post by Nick M »


Not sure if it will display - but if not at are a few pictures of the 43 year old Zeitgeist next to the 2019 6mm depron one.

Original design is on Outezone at and 60 Inch span.

My balsa version is slightly stretched as the wing a fibreglass join of two different wings after crashing... Depron version is 50 inches. Perspectives really don't help!

The (white) one at the nostalgia day is a 3mm depron one. 50 inch span - I'll get round to weighing them.

Just building a 38 inch version from 2mm depron and using ribs + top sheeting as well suited to depron smaller models.

Balsa version used to fly in mid 70s with Horizon 2 ch - mostly on Rodborough Common (Stroud) - and when I could get there Selsley / Frocester / Cam Long down.
braddock vc
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Re: Invitation to ISA Nostalgia Day Saturday September 14th

Post by braddock vc »

I know this is an old thread, I visited the beacon about half a century ago (!) which re-ignited my latent modelling soul and I bought a cambria capstan and a futaba 2 channel medallion on the strength of it.
Never got back to the beacon again and my dicky ticker probably precludes me now, I have to say my modelling is once again becoming dormant prior to my estate sale.
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