Bushfires in OZ.

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Bushfires in OZ.

Post by iflylilplanes »

My club field has been closed for the last 2 weeks, a total fire ban is in operation this period, the sun is just a red smug in the sky. The warehouse where I work in Homebush Sydney has been close to having the fire alarms going off from the smoke haze, and I can't see the factory at the end of the street 500 metres away.

The closest bushfires are 17k away the other fires around 60k away, can't spend any time in the workshop because of the smoke. Al would be having the same issues where he lives, the closest fire to Wayne is 50k.

And, we are running out of water.

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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by F2B »

Such a pity!
At the same time here we're having the wettest period since many months.
Running out of water, do you mean 'no water from the tap'?
How long will this dry season last?
As I understood, it started way too early this year.
Wishing you may see some (many) heavy showers.
F2B or not to be....
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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by MaxZ »

Yeah, I have seen the images on the TV. These must be difficult and fearful times for you. Courage.

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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by Wayne_H »

Thanks for your positive thoughts guys ;) It certainly is a troubling time, even when bushfire season has always been a part of your life.

Yesterday I drove to Sydney & back to collect more building supplies, a round trip of about 840km - I was in bushfire smoke the entire trip :shock: Before that, I got back last Friday from 2 weeks working in New Zealand. Most evenings there featured spectacular orange, red & brown sunsets, colours caused by the smoke blowing across the Tasman Sea from Australia.

The impacts really are being felt near & far.....

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by PaulJ »

It is a real tradgedy, the trip you made yesterday Wayne, must have been so depressing. The scale of these fires has to be seen to be believed...... As a poms who toured Oz quite extensively a few years ago, of course we had heard about bushfires and seen bits on TV but we were horrified to see the extent of the damage they do. On at least two occasions we drove for over an hour through huge areas of charred/dead trees. I don't know how long before we saw it the fire had been, but incredibly there were signs of recovery.....
I think this pic demonstrates the extremes of the weather they get down there!
These latest fires are obviously bigger and even more extensive...... Oz, my heart goes out to you

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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by iflylilplanes »

Yes, bushfires are a way of life here, the Aboriginals have been setting the bush alight for 40,000 years, for hunting, making way (some of the Australian bush is so thick you can't walk 3ft into it) another field I fly at was carved out of virgin bush and if you land outside the field, depending on wether it goes in flat or nose first, flat the model sits on the bush, easy to see, nose first it's gone from sight (there are a couple of 3 to 4 metre moldies that have never been found still out there. That's one bit of bush that needs a bushfire, but it's in a catchment areas for one of our dams and is always green

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Re: Bushfires in OZ.

Post by _AL_ »

I hope all the Aussies are ok? This is the worst bushfire season since 1993 for Sydney.
We live right on the edge of the bush on the northern end of Sydney but no issues yet.

Stay safe guys.

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