How is "Lockdown" going for you?

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How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by PaulJ »

Since this virus is a new experience and affects all of us, I thought it might be interesting to have a sort of journal to see how it affects us all in different ways and in our different circumstances......... So I'll start!

We live in a fairly rural setting so physical isolation from other people is not really a problem. However we do have care of a 9 y/o grandchild and MrsJ has been laid up with a bad back :cry: The local school has been sending out "homework" and I seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time coming to terms with the Programme/App that supports the school work and then "helping" said grandchild with her maths! In the brief moments when I was allowed outside I have been clearing up a tree that blew down about three weeks ago.... All of which means that I haven't been able to spend much (any) time in my mancave this last week.

In these circumstances I am unhappy about standing in long queues at the supermarket so I have registered for "Click and collect" at one of the supermarkets in Ipswich.....

There is a rough field bordering our property, it is surrounded by "model catchers" and not a great flying site but when needs must I have been known to fly from it but only electric models for fear of upsetting the neighbours..... and most of my models are diesel powered :roll: . However I did manage a very brief session with the only electric model I have serviceable, a foamie HK "Junior"....... But there was a strong wind and it was bl***y cold so it really was brief!

So that was my week........ How was it for you?
Last edited by PaulJ on 29 Mar 2020, 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by MaxZ »

Hi all,

Yes, the virus does affect all of us. Here in The Netherlands we have what you would call a "voluntary lockdown", which I understand does not differ much from the UK. Events are cancelled, cafes and restaurants are closed, and people are strongly advised to stay indoors except for necessary shopping and other pressing business like walking your dog. Gatherings of more than two people are forbidden and can be fined with 400 euros. You should stay 1.5 metres away from other folk. Shops are open, but ordered not to let more people in than 1 person per 10 sqm, so they are taking measures to adhere. Many supermarkets are using the number of trollies available to match the allowed number, everybody is obliged to use one, and personnel is overseeing that. No trolly, no entrance. I live in a small village in an otherwise densely populated part of the country, and things seem to work reasonably well here.

Now for my personal situation. My flying club is only 5 (car-)minutes away. The club has not abandoned flying, but are taking measures to ensure that people adhere to the rules, like sending mails with advice, closing the clubhouse, and setting out marks how far people should stay away from the piloting spot when they are not flying. However, I and a few others (including much younger members) have decided not to tempt fate, and to abstain from flying until things get safer.

I am concentrating on building now, and I have observed something positive in myself caused by the situation. I am a slow builder. Normally, that irritates me and (especially on good weather days), I feel an urge inside to move things on so I can go fly my new creation. Now I realize that that is not going to happen anyway, so I feel quite content to slow things down and be happy whittling away on the balsa!
I do hope things clear up soon. Stay safe!

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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by Stew »

I work for the Fire Brigade as my Brigade's 'Equipment Foreman' so lucky me, I get to go to work...
We are concentrating on essentials only, and people are snappy, short tempered, and nervous. It's horrible.
I normally work office hours, but since several fleet technicians have had to self isolate, I'm on call on a night-time too, 1 week in 4 to cover as '2nd man' for vehicle positioning, logistics etc.

My partner and our two boys are 'locked down' at home. Parents likewise. I am making the best of the limited materials I have, building smaller models, and getting to know my new lathe, and making plans for the future.
I have a list of things I need, but I'm not going to make someone go to the post office just because I ordered them.
Still very little bread in the village shop (I'm avoiding the big supermarkets) but farm shop deliveries and the slots I can get from supermarkets online are keeping us fed and watered.
I enjoy my daily walk up onto the fell to feed the chickens, and soon, there'll be new lambs too.

One of the things keeping me going is the thought of a beautiful calm sunny day at Pontefract, Old Warden, Buckminster, etc, and seeing all those models flying out flying that were born during lock-down.
That and an honest pint in an honest pub, or several pints in several pubs.
I'm sure we'll all meet at Ponty one day when this is over, and it will be extra special.

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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by jackdaw »

Well my 'lock down' started a week earlier than every one else. Being in my seventies and with several of the specified underlying health issues I was very strongly advised to enter a form of 'house arrest' known as 'self isolation'(looks like I'm doing the time but have committed no crime - could be a line from a song) for at least 12 weeks. Missed the clubs winter build awards night and a very good weekend for flying after because of it. Club monthly meetings and all flying are now halted. It's a 15 mile drive to the field and I would stand out like a sore thumb on the road, the A55. Webcam pictures show it disserted. The wife who is younger than I was still working until last Monday when she became an employee of UKGOV on 80% of her salary. Strange this has happened now as I had convinced her to retire early this June. She was glad to have the worry lifted of bringing the virus home to me as she is the manager of a retail shop in a shopping center. Our main problem is getting food. Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda delivery services are fully booked for their 3 week future deliveries. We did, however, just manage to get a 'click and collect' slot on the 16th April from a store 16 miles away by sitting up over midnight when the new slots go live. This may be of little use however as after 1 day 7 of the 42 items had been removed as no longer available.
Got plenty of things modelling to do but I'm under the watchful eye of the 'guvnor' all the time as my 'man cave' is indoors. I'll manage to get the new 21700 Li-ion cells made up into packs for my Jumper T16 Tx. This will free up the 18650 cells to be used as power packs in my ZOHD Dart 250. Still we have an extensive collection of DVD films and series, many of which we haven't watched yet. Fortunately she likes action/adventure, sci-fi and some aviation documentaries so we can enjoy many together.
An observation on the response to this virus. I grew up in central London in the 50's and well remember the annual 'smog's' every autumn/winter. Each year 1,000's died in hospital from the effects of these dense suffocating blankets of pollution. Did the economy stop, were coal fires banned, did steam trains stop running, did Battersea power station(coal fired) stop generating, did 'Rio Tinto Zinc' close down their lead smelting plant at Tower Bridge? No is the answer. It took many years for smoke free zones and smokeless fuel to be the norm, in the meantime many died. Then there where the lines of people queuing in the street for chest X-ray's in the vans when a TB outbreak occurred. Other disease outbreaks, that killed many, that I remember where Polio, Diphtheria and cholera. In fact I was a near fatal victim of one of the other diseases, Hepatitis. I'm not arguing either way but it does seem to me that some aspects of the response are extreme.
If this pandemic follows the pattern of other pandemics/epidemics then we can expect a second wave after the subsidence of this first wave and then a third, possibly a forth. This could be an 18 month to 24 month marathon. That's always assuming it doesn't mutate as RNA based virus are prone to do. (just thought I'd end on a cheery note)
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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by Sundancer »

Here in Nouvelle Aquitaine we are just starting the third week of our total and rigidly enforced lock down. This is officially scheduled to go on until at least April 15th, but common sense tells me it will be far, far longer than that. Since both my wife and I would almost certainly be in serious trouble if infected (dodgy immune system in her case and age plus a pre-disposition to chest infections in mine) common sense also dictates that we take every possible measure to avoid it. So absolute minimal outings, this morning's one to pick up a click and collect order from the nearest Intermarche was the first in a fortnight and hopefully will be the only one for the next two weeks, and no contact with anyone. Fortunately we live on the edge of a tiny hamlet 3 kms from a small medieval town in a house surrounded by 3000 square metres of garden, which makes it easier. Living in beautiful countryside also makes it bearable, especially when the weather is lovely as it has been for the past week - until yesterday. Today we have snow and a biting wind cold enough to freeze the wotsits off an oojah! But Ali has her hobby of macro photography and I have my toy aeroplanes, so not so bad. Current project is an o/d "garden flier" for use in our tree infested garden, we'll see how that works out, and I have a kit mountain and ample materials to keep me busy for how ever long this thing may last. Missing the flying though at our lovely site at Vayres just ten minutes away, there will be a lot of stick time to make up when we are released. However, like the previous poster I have anxieties about second wave infections and virus mutation, I think this is going to bring about a long term change in our normal behaviour, I think the pleasant French custom of greeting everyone with a handshake and, where appropriate with kisses may be, sadly, a permanent casualty. Progress so far with the "Lockdown Special" garden flier. Take care, bonne sante et bon courage.
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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by iflylilplanes »

Still at work, (mixed blessings there), I still have to deal with others, I still have a job, and I'm not spending 24 hours a day with the wife, I love her, but I need to get away sometimes, the job helps. Wish I had some time off to build, by the time I get home I'm stuffed, and fall asleep watching the news. I do a little building on weekends, no flying now, all the clubs and fields are shut down, and you get questioned by the cops if there are any more than two people out together, and your not going somewhere approved. All the Lipo's have been put into storage mode/voltage for the time being. Just taking one day at a time doing a little here and there trying not to let it get me down (should stop watching the news).

I am going to get through this, as far as I'm concerned I have too many aircraft to build and fly, that helps.



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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by PaulJ »

Much less wind today so I managed a short flying session with the foamie Junior in the rough field at the back of my property.
The field is normally pretty rough but has recently had sheep in it which has kept the grass lower than usual and I even managed a touch and go! It is a pity they aren't still making the Junior, it is a great small field flyer and wonderful trainer...... and if you get bored, it will even do a rolling circle of sorts!

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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by PaulJ »

End of Week 2 and we seem to be settling into some kind of routine. Thankfully the school term has now finished so I am released from my duties supervising and helping with "Homework", at least for a couple of weeks. Supplies of food and household stuff have so far not been a problem because, being over 70 and therefore "vulnerable" we get priority slots and we "clicked and collected" from the supermarket. Exercise has become a short off-road bike ride with granddaughter every day. I think as time goes by, keeping her occupied could become a problem....... I have a list of half a dozen people I am trying to phone at least once a week which helps me (and I hope, them) in not feeling too isolated. On several evenings, after the wind has dropped I have managed to fly the "Junior" out of the field bordering my garden and have been challenging my poor old brain by flying it on "reeds". As a long-standing and confirmed Mode 2 flyer I still find it a challenge splitting the elevator and primary steering controls. It looks as though I may get a lot more practice at this as the Summer progresses! Before attempting any model building I decided to clear out my shed, I fear I am a bit of a hoarder so that has turned into a major undertaking. :roll: :oops:

So far, so good........ :P
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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by RON »

Hi Guys,
Lockdown is going very slow for me, Not doing any work whatsoever, phone isn’t even ringing, suppose people don’t want me coming into their homes, totally understandable,
It’s quite hard though, I’ll be glad when the self employed help eventually comes, sometime in June they are saying.
Trying to keep the boys occupied is getting harder by the day too. Take care everyone.

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Re: How is "Lockdown" going for you?

Post by MaxZ »

Hi guys,

Despite the excellent flying weather, I cannot ( or don't want to) go to the flying field, so the slow build I was talking about here earlier is finished, here is my Snow Boot:
And this is another few hours spent, crazy times spawn crazy designs, here are the Blues Brothers in their new Flysetta:
Schermafbeelding 2020-04-06 om 19.58.58.png
Schermafbeelding 2020-04-06 om 22.58.43.png
Cheers, stay safe,
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