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Post by Stew »

*sigh* ... why is it that after a spate of a few years of being able to turn out decent models, I can't now build for toffee?
Every blimmin model I attempt turns into a bag of crap!
I swear my building board is cursed. This has gone on for ages now. I think I've totally lost my mojo.
Anyone else had that happen? It is really getting me down now. I'd sell up, get rid of everything, but I know for a fact that I'd be itching to build something else the second 'Sam Speaks' flops onto the door mat. I am utterly beaten.

'Despondant' of County Durham.
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Re: Cursed

Post by Phil_G »

Put building to one side Stew and do something that has a ridiculous fun-to-effort ratio... bag your shame for a while and do a Lidl glider, it will remind you of how much fun you can have with naff all outlay or effort :D
I've had more fun with Lidls than any true aeromodeller deserves, but for £8 its just brilliant... stick two cheap servos in, throw it off a hill... simple but sublime and a guaranteed mojo restorer :lol:



...or rudder/elevator:

Mine & Steves at Nont Sarahs (Steves video)
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Re: Cursed

Post by Wayne_H »

Phil_G wrote: 11 Aug 2020, 17:28 Put building to one side Stew and do something that has a ridiculous fun-to-effort ratio...
... a guaranteed mojo restorer :lol:
I absolutely agree... get something simple & go have some fun & fly the wings off it!!

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Re: Cursed

Post by Stew »

Phil, Wayne, you're absolutely right. I'm just going to go and buy something cheap and cheerful and put a bit of fun back into my hobby. Take the pressure off a bit. I'm obviously not in a 'sticks n tissue' sort of place at the moment. (besides it's about 90 degrees in the man cave which doesn't help.
We have some canny slopes here in Teesdale/Weardale, so I will look into doing some slope soaring once the wind is in the right direction.

Cheers fellas. :)
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Re: Cursed

Post by Sundancer »

The guys are absolutely right Stew. Normally I am a 100% builder, and have been for over 70 years. But these days if it is to be an acceptable standard, I just have to be in the mood. Lock down gave me the incentive to design and build a little LD Special, as I needed something to fly from the garden, this turned out really well and I then embarked on a Veron Fokker DVIII build from an old kit to keep me busy during the crisis. It went well at first, up to the point of having a completed basic fuselage framework, wings and tail, but then just stalled and I simply could not get on with it. When flying was back on the agenda I discovered that, despite having a workshop full of over 30 models in flying trim, I needed the stimulus of "something new", so, swallowing my pride and clutching my bank card I bought an E-Flight BNF "Valiant" although I have a constitutional bias against foam models, especially RTF ones. Flying wise this proved to be just what I needed, an absolute gem in the air, I was having so much fun with it that the bank card soon took another hit to buy a BNF Twin Otter from the same source which proved to be a total blast. So I have spent the last two months flying the wings off this pair along with working my way through flying the rest of the fleet with renewed enthusiasm. And now find that I can't wait to crack on with the DVIII build with the certain knowledge that I am going to make a good job of it - and ENJOY the process.

I know the two E-Flite models are not in the same league financially as an 8 quid Lidl glider, but even for such a hoary old died-in-the-wool build-it-yourselfer as me, I have to admit that there is something to be said for a model that you can pull out of the box, assemble into a very handsome looking and superbly flying aircraft in two hours and then just go and fly, fly, fly. They will never replace "properly built" models for me, but by jove they are great to have in the fleet, and flying them has certainly helped me to re-ignite my building mojo.
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Re: Cursed

Post by Stew »

Good of you chaps to reply to this. I had a 'reet nark on' yesterday afternoon, and was ready to throw in the towel. I'm a balsa man (SAM1066 and 35) but If it takes a foamie to get a smile back on my face then so be it. I'd rather that than chuck it all in. Besides I've just spent £30 on balsa week before last..
P.S Is there something cheap-ish that does power as well as possible sloping? also, are the Lidl gliders available only from Lidl, or is it a generic design that's available on t'internet?

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Re: Cursed

Post by Wayne_H »

Stew wrote: 12 Aug 2020, 13:11 Is there something cheap-ish that does power as well as possible sloping??

Stew, I can't answer your Lidl foamie question as Lidl aren't in Aus, but stick a small leccy motor & folding prop on the nose of the lidl (or similar) foamie & you'll have the best of both worlds. Such conversions have been shown on this forum previously.

Lidl gliders: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=367&start=20
Banggood alternative to Lidl foamies: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=736

May the mojo be with you young skywalker.....

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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