Trash? Never! Treasure? For me, you bet!

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Trash? Never! Treasure? For me, you bet!

Post by Wayne_H »

After a huge (12 hour) day on Christmas Eve spent with the removalists emptying 2 large storage units of all our remaining furniture, possessions, building supplies, modelling paraphernalia, & other assorted crap collected over 43 years of marriage, I've started sorting through it - or the modelling stuff at least, thus clearly demonstrating my priorities :oops: :roll:

There are 4 or 5 flyable yoyos, some partial builds and even a TopFlite Gieseke Nobler kit. With our pending NZ relocation, it'll be yet another couple of years before they circulate. Regardless, some great nostalgic memories, as well as building & flying to look forward to.

For the curious, some preliminary details.
  • All American vintage stunter with Mk.1 O.S. 29
All American acquired as a wreck at a Nats auction. Eldest son decided he wanted it, so we bought it. Only did an 'average' repair as I didn't expect it to last very long - Son flew it a few times but it had too much pull for him as a 12 year old. <br />Must admit, it doesn't impress me as a stunter - clearly needs CG adjustment (amongst other things)
All American acquired as a wreck at a Nats auction. Eldest son decided he wanted it, so we bought it. Only did an 'average' repair as I didn't expect it to last very long - Son flew it a few times but it had too much pull for him as a 12 year old.
Must admit, it doesn't impress me as a stunter - clearly needs CG adjustment (amongst other things)
  • Ambassador vintage stunter, Gold Cup winner 52 & 54? Currently setup for an Aussie Taipan 2.5cc diesel. I started this one for the CL vintage stunt event at the 1988 Australian Bi-Centenial Nats.
APS Ambassador: Effectively structurally complete, but has had several repairs from multiple moves and hangar rash. Built my first one in 1971, crashed it spectacularly when the up line broke!!
APS Ambassador: Effectively structurally complete, but has had several repairs from multiple moves and hangar rash. Built my first one in 1971, crashed it spectacularly when the up line broke!!
  • Gieseke Nobler
    - Top Flite kit. Scored this about 20 years ago from a work colleague who'd started on the wing before giving it up as too much work. I'll toss his "build" & do a new wing from scratch.
As a kid I dreamt of having one of these :-)
As a kid I dreamt of having one of these :-)
  • coreflute OD trainer, with old O.S. 25 plain bearing, flew surprisingly well, bouncing at the hands of several learners, without damage.
  • Junior Nobler with early O.S.19 - great flyer
A Junior Nobler. While the design dates back to 1964, this one was built by a friend in the early 70's, acquired by me in the 80's, given a quick recover and flown many times since (but not since 2010)
A Junior Nobler. While the design dates back to 1964, this one was built by a friend in the early 70's, acquired by me in the 80's, given a quick recover and flown many times since (but not since 2010)
Junr_Nblr+All American.jpg
Edit: first pictures added
Edit 11th Jan - Nobler pic added
Last edited by Wayne_H on 11 Jan 2021, 11:51, edited 1 time in total.

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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Re: Trash? Never! Treasure? For me, you bet!

Post by Wayne_H »

Unearthed a few more yoyo's:
  • Paper Tiger - an early attempt at a quick to build, cheap, reasonably robust, quasi-combat model with good 'bang for buck' on a stock .15 - this one actually ticked all the boxes 8-) . Great fun with an OS.15 lll & muffler pressure, foam & brown paper with balsa LE & TE.
  • Another "trainer" - wing salvaged from a sport .40 r/c crashed model binned at the club field. Wing rubber banded on. Capable of inside & outside loops, 8's & stable inverted flight, all on 50' lines powered by an old Taipan .15 blue-head diesel.

Once a Retrobate, always a Retrobate............ ;)
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